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Sales Training: Close the Sale Faster with These 2 Powerfully Effective Closing Techniques

Sales Training: Close the Sale Faster with These 2 Powerfully Effective Closing Techniques
Check out my website blueprints for closing more leads online: These 2 Effective Closing Techniques Really Work! All, professional sales strategies involve having a plan for your closing and knowing when it’s time to start the closing process. At that time, closing the sale should be easy because you’ve already put the proper strategies in place. This video will show you how to close more sales.

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Video Notes:

I use two very simple and effective techniques for closing the sales. I’ve been using these closing tactics for years and they are just as effective now as they were then.

In this sales training video, I’ll walk you through these two techniques as well as how to set up your technique so that you are able to recognize the opportunity to begin your close and ensure that the close sticks.

The first closing technique is called the One-Call Close. In this closing technique, you’re focus is on closing the sales at the first appointment. You first must fully present your product or service to the buyer and get their commitment to purchase as long as the price is right. Then explain how your pricing works…

Explain that you are paid based on the time you spend with the customer and yes- commission. Explain that there is cost to have you out here at the house today and there is a cost in coming back to the house to close the sale which manifests in lower commission. You are able to subtract from their price that amount PLUS the amount of the commission if they are able to make a decision today instead of tomorrow or next week.

The second closing technique is called the Dream House Close or the Case Study Close. In this closing tactic, you’ll be offering the customer a discount in exchange for their flexibility in allowing you to use their home/business as a case study for your marketing campaign. You really need to stress that the discount comes from an expectation that the customer will need to put up with phone calls asking for feedback, photographers taking pictures (if home improvement or something) and using images and likeness in the marketing.

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